Welcome to Princeton University Research Animal Programs

Research Animal Programs

Princeton University’s research animal programs ensure the humane and ethical treatment of animals used in research with the goal of expanding scientific knowledge and benefiting humanity. 

Our two programs, Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) and Primate Research Resources (PRR), strive to exceed established standards for humane treatment and management of laboratory animals in conjunction with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), federal, state and local laws and regulations. Our program is accredited by AAALAC, a nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment.

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Laboratory Animal Resources

Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) provides resources, expertise, and guidance for high-quality and ethical care for all research and teaching conducted with animals other than nonhuman primates. In collaboration with Princeton’s research community, LAR develops research protocols, provides daily care and husbandry, maintains facilities, provides veterinary care, complies with regulatory requirements, and ensures ethical and humane care for animals.

Primate Research Resources

Primate Research Resources (PRR), a newly established unit, provides expertise and support for nonhuman primate neuroscience research at Princeton University. In collaboration with Princeton’s research community, PRR develops research protocols, provides daily care and husbandry, maintains facilities, provides veterinary care, complies with regulatory requirements, and ensures ethical and humane care for primates.

Mission and Vision

Research Animal Programs (Laboratory Animal Resources and Primate Research Resources) are committed to providing Princeton University’s research community with resources, expertise, and guidance for high-quality and ethical care of animals used in research and teaching activities. Our programs strive to exceed established standards for humane treatment and management of laboratory animals. In conjunction with the University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), our programs ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements as well as nationally and internationally recognized standards for the care and treatment of animals used in research. Research Animal Programs and the research community at Princeton University actively collaborate to ensure the humane and ethical treatment of animals used in research in order to yield reliable and valuable results that expand scientific knowledge and benefit society.


All of the University’s animal facilities and operations are reviewed semi-annually by the University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and are inspected regularly by federal regulatory agencies. Any research involving the use of vertebrate animals must first receive IACUC approval. The University is fully accredited through the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care, and approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for conducting animal research. Any concerns regarding animal research compliance can be raised to the University’s Office of Research Integrity and Assurance, or submitted anonymously through the University Hotline.